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CNY Branch of the NLAPW

CNY Pen Women Create Ekphrastic Response to "Made in NY" Exhibit at Schweinfurth Art Gall

Photos in the gallery from the Schweinfurth reading show Rachael Ikins, Karen Hempson, Judith McGinn, Janet Fagal with the artist who inspired her poem, and Sheila M. Byrnes.

Central New York Branch menbers of the NLAPW created ekphrasitic responses to the "Made in New York" exhibit at the Schweinfurth Art Center on Genesee Street in Auburn, NY. For the second year in a row, Pen Women Letters members attended the Schweinfurth special exhibit and wrote poetry and prose inspired by the "Made in the New York" works of art. As a culminating event to the collaboration, the Pen Women read their original writings in the Schweinfurth gallery on the evening of May 3, 2019.

CNY Branch Vice President of Membership Judith McGinn served as Compère for the evening's reading at the Schweinfurth. Some of the "Made in New York" juried show's artists had an opportunity to meet the writers inspired by their artwork after the reading and discuss the creative processes. Among the Pen Women presenting at the reading were Judith McGinn, Mary L. Gardner, Sheila M. Byrnes, Janet Fagal, Rachael Ikins, Karen Hempson, and Nancy Dafoe.

The event was well received by the public and a reception followed the reading. Several poems inspired by the artwork have since been accepted for publication in various literary venues,

Sheila Byrnes 1 (1)

including Janet Fagal's poem, a poem by Rachael Ikins and a poem by Nancy Dafoe.

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