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CNY Branch of the NLAPW

CNY Branch Persists! Showing at the Edgewood Gallery

Even in the face of a global pandemic, the CNY Branch of the NLAPW is pursuing options for artists and writers to showcase and share their work. Artists from the CNY Branch will have their work featured in the Edgewood Gallery in Syracuse from July 2-August 13, 2021 with an opening reception and ekphrastic poetry/prose poem reading set for July 9, 2021. The show will be held regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the reception and reading may be held virtually, depending upon circumstances the time.

Edgewood Gallery owner Cheryl Chappell noted that she is enthused about hosting the Pen Women during the CNY Branch's 95th year.

This exhibition and reading are particularly significant because of the CNY Branch's celebration of its 95th year of existence.

Sue Murphy's art shown below.

Patty Mabie art shown here.


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