Pen Women Writers Perform Reading of Ekphrastic Responses to Schweinfurth's "Made in New York"
The CNY Branch of the NLAPW writers performed an ekphrastic reading of original work responding to the "Made in New York" exhibition at the Schweinfurth Art Center in Auburn on the evening of July 9, 2021. New CNY Branch President Judith McGinn opened the program with an introduction before the poets and writers read their original works inspired by the art work in the "Made in New York" show.
Collaborating since 2018, under the leadership of Mary L. Gardner, the CNY Branch and Schweinfurth Art Center have hosted this ekphrastic reading program live, as well as recorded the program for later viewing. A recording of this year's performance may be found at the Schweinfurth web site: Poetry Readings - Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center (
