Keeping the Art Alive, a Tour of Valenzuela's Shop Am-a-ranth, Press and Bindery
On the afternoon of November 14, Pen Women from the CNY Branch visited the Delavan studio of Chicanx artist, printer, and hand bookbinder...

Shellback, new book release by Karen Foresti Hempson
Karen Foresti Hempson has just released her new book Shellback , a YA story that includes essential questions for discussion. Hempson's...

Sue Murphy's Art Wins Major Watercolor Award
Sue Murphy had her painting "Maeve" recently accepted in the Adirondack Exhibition of American Watercolors at the View, Old Forge. Her ...

Poet Laureate Georgia Popoff Awarded Academy of American Poets Grant
In her own words... CNY Branch of the NLAPW Poet Laureate Georgia Popoff Awarded Academy of American Poets Grant In her own words... As...

Biennial 2026 Host Prep Off to a Breezy Start
CNY Branch members of the Biennial 2026 Committee met on Saturday, September 14, 2024, to brainstorm ideas for the NLAPW 2026 Biennial....

Hempson's Busy Creative Summer
Karen Hempson had an excerpt from her memoir "Humiliation" accepted and published in the new issue of 28 Voices Nonfiction Anthology ,...

Dickinson Awarded NYS Council on the Arts/Wyoming County Arts Council $10,000 Fellowship
One of the paintings from Dickinson's new Fellowship project Central New York (CNY) Branch Pen Woman Rachel Dickinson was awarded a...

A Walk Through History and Over 104 Acres
Our CNY Branch of the NLAPW went to Stone Quarry Hill Art Park outside Cazenovia for a walk along the trails and to hear Dr. Juhanna...

To Create Takes Courage and CNY Branch Shows All That and More!
The theme of the 51st Biennial of the NLAPW was "To Create Takes Courage," and the CNY Branch showed up in numbers displaying creativity...

Two CNY Pen Women Launch New Books with Stunning Performances Over One Weekend
Goergia Popoff and Julie Hughes made a big splash on the Central New York literary scene this past weekend, April 5-6, 2024, with public...